First I'd like to welcome those of you who wandered over from Food & Wine magazine. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw my Open letter on Mac & Cheese had been chosen as one of the top posts of the week! I hope that you all enjoy your visit and have a look around, welcome.
Things have been busy to an nth degree of late. The latest 7 week series at create-a-cook has just ended and we have a week to prepare for the summer vacation series. I have been pouring over recipes and ideas for classes for days now. I'm really excited to try some of the these recipes and I'll try to report back with some of the winners that I hope to add into my rotation.
I now have a few of the Williams-Sonoma classes under my belt and I've been having a great time. We did a Father's day theme last week with the Corn Chowder with Grilled Shrimp coming in as the big winner and Tuesday and Wednesday I did a Summer Entertaining series and the Berry Cobbler and Spicy Grilled Ribs all disappeared within minutes. Sunday morning we'll be doing a summer picnic and I'm looking forward to putting my spin on the Stuffed Summer Sandwich.
I'm also teaching a Back to Basics series all summer at Cambridge School of Culinary Arts. The class runs every Saturday morning from 10:00 - 1:30 and covers everything from Knife skills to working with eggs, braising, making soups, stocks and salads, roasting, grilling, sauteing and finally a great class covering all the mother sauces. If you have always wanted to know how to make a souffle, or a hollandaise, or just learn some great basic skills this is the series for you. Come and join in!
Poor husband, with all the teaching lately the man barely gets a home cooked meal. I actually have tonight off so I'm off to ponder something divine to cook.
I was in line at a store this week and saw a T-shirt quote that rather summed up my recent life.
It was a quote from Confucius - "Choose a job that you love and you will never work a day in your life".
Oh how true it is.
I'm looking forward to hearing what you're making for dinner tonight!
Posted by: Janet | June 22, 2006 at 12:54 PM